A.2m.B. was a heavy sleeper on Friday night, but I had a pretty hectic day on Friday and couldn't get in the mode for scrapbooking. So, I just enjoyed chatting with my buddies. :) I also learned about digital scrapbooking and will share that in my next post. Oh, I'm so going to be gangbusters on this one.
I was trying to my the computer journaling work and just gave up on that one. Too much trouble to format everythign perfectly to fit on an already made page. I just shortened things a bit. I actually came to our Alcatraz pages and said "what am I supposed to write? it was a prison!" This is definitely an area that C.12.B. could have elaborated in, but they were gone and having fun!
My mom wasn't able to come on Friday night because my dad wasn't feeling well, so she came on Saturday and we had a good time.
Ate too much food :(. I've repented and am starting a fresh. Got up this morning and had some quiet time with the Lord and worked on my Bible study - The Lord's Table. I'm stillll working on Lesson 4. It's a lot to digest.
Came home last night to an empty, hot (I had turned up the air to save electricity) house. It was pouring and I waiting in the car for a while so that the baby and I wouldn't get struck by lightening. LOL
I've been just vegging this morning, looking up all kinds of stuff on digi-scrapping and downloading all sorts of freebies. Wow!
Big P and the older 4 kidlets are on their way home after having a great weekend with Grandpa. They spent time at the beach, the Lexington aircraft carrier, the Corpus Christi Aquarium, and Sonic. They were going to the Original Whataburger and Big P's old house this morning before heading home. It will be a loooong time before their home. :(
Onto another post...
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