Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Decluttered: Personal care items

Here's what we are dealing with. The down and dirty - or up and clean depending on how you look at it.

Now I did not pull out every bit of everything we have that would be considered personal care. One example would be nail clippers. I didn't pull those out until I looked back over her list. At that point I found out that we had 3 pair of baby nail clippers, 3 pair of regular nail clippers, and 2 pair of toe nail clippers. I decided to cull down to 1 baby pair, 1 toe nail pair, and 2 regular pair.

And it is quite possible that we will not need any hand soap for the next 9 months to a year....

Aveeno lotion... at least a year!

Toothpaste... a few months.

I kept a lot but I put all the extras together into one bin in the laundry room. I donated a few items and trashed a whole 1/2 a bag. It's heavy, too.


Brandi in TX said...

uhm... I have toothpaste on the shopping list. I should have just had you bring some tonight!)

Kim said...

Haha! That's too funny with the soap and lotion!!


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