August - Found out we were expecting baby #9, felt excited and uneasy at the same time.
September - Found out we were expecting babies #9 & 10 - absolute miracle - we serve an amazing God Who can do above and beyond all we think or imagine
September - early November - Sick as a dog, day and night - a full 17 weeks of "morning" sickness that is way worse at night, but happy to be puking, even though it used to be one of my worst fears.
November - Find out that we are having 2 girls! Names are picked: Hope Ann & Faith Emilie; Hope & Faith
December - Somewhat of a reality sets in that we may actually get to hold these two babies and I decide that we need to make some changes around home so that I can get off my feet more. Stories of early labor for new moms and seasoned moms put me on guard and I really slow down and limit activity (or so I thought).
Noelle turns 2 - already!
January/February - We start a major renovation on the middle room of our home. Water heater had caused a lot of damage. Room was gutted.
Baby A (Hope) still had not moved head down and I start anticipating and preparing myself for a Cesarean delivery.
Christian turns 17 - man, this is flying by too fast!
February/March - Doctors visit and sono revealed a couple of things: Baby A had turned head down (PRAISE THE LORD) and I had start dilating and having contractions. Doctor admits me to hospital for observation and next day sends me home for modified bedrest. Modified bedrest basically looks similar to what I had been doing, but a little more stringent.
Christian (17) professes Christ as Savior in a real and dynamic way and we see the fruit of salvation in his life!
Landon turns 7 - already!
By God's grace, I overcome my fear of returning to Branson, Missouri, where our baby died. We are actually planning our next trip for October 2013!
March - While I thought reality had set in, it hadn't. Everyday I find myself going "Oh my goodness, we are going to have 2 babies at the same time!" Wow. So excited and the only things that I'm a bit nervous about: nesting from bed; nursing two babies at once. I just can't wait until they are here.
Baby B (Faith moves head down to be face to face with her sister).
Christian (17) gets his driver's license. Ack.
Middle bedroom renovation is finished Paige and Noelle are back in their beautiful new room. Pete and Christian did an amazing job and I'm so proud of all they accomplished. They had little experience but learned and trudged through and walked away going "wow, this is cool."
Wire shorts out in the wall behind where the girls were sleeping and a new project must be started. Pete starts tearing out the wall and prepares to replace wire. Temporary patch will have to work on wall replacement.
My Mom and Sister threw a beautiful baby shower for me and the girls. We were so blessed by our family and friends. Like a regular baby shower times 2! As we got everything home I wondered "where are the babies going to fit."
My original due date was April 19th. My fairly conservative doctor would like me to deliver sometime before 39 weeks. Almost 3 weeks ago, the babies were averaging 5 lb each. Baby A (Hope) was 5lb.1oz. and Baby B (Faith) was 4 lb. 12 oz. I have another Rate of Growth sono this Thursday, so we will get to see their approximate weights then. At this point I have gained 31 lb. total this pregnancy. I easily gain at least 50 with a singleton pregnancy but it has been nearly impossible to gain more with twins. As soon as I eat, they take it up and use it. I have now gotten to the point where it's just hard to eat much at all. I drink a lot of smoothies.
My hope is to make it past March 31st, Easter. Christian is being baptized upon his recent profession of salvation and I really want to be there! It is very very important to me to be there and the Lord knows the desires of my heart. April 1st would be perfect for having twins, I think. :D If they don't come on their own, we are considering induction between April 8th and 12th. I'm 35 weeks now!
Brason is about to turn 9!
And I'll take that opportunity to stop myself. I realize that this post has been mostly about the Twincesses but that has honestly been a lot of our life for the last many months. I feel very peaceful about where we are right now. I'm grateful to the Lord for placing us here and for all the things that transpired along the way as part of His plan. I'm so thankful to Him for putting the friends and family in our life that He has, to support and encourage us along the way. This road has been a new one in so many ways; every turn has been an area of trust to give to Him daily. I confess that I have doubted at times and wondered what is going on, but I know that I can fully trust my Lord and Savior and Friend. He absolutely has covered me and the other 9 of us!
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5 weeks |
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34 weeks |
I'll be turning 36!
Aiden will be turning 5 - not kidding!
Who else will we add to April?

I am truly blessed by your journey! I know the Lord has been with you and has blessed you beyond anything you could have ever imagined. Oh but He is oh so faithful and His loving kindness is everlasting!!! Praise be to Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! We serve an awesome and mighty God!!!!!
Love you all!
I've been thinking about you a lot knowing time was getting close. Thanks so much for updating and please do post or email when they arrive. Will be praying for you!
Ami (in the far away, frozen north)
What a blessing it has been to be a part of this journey with you. Our God is so amazing and when we begin to doubt His plans we can look back at this time and remember how He orchestrated me even being around to play the very minor role I havedurging these last couple of years. I love you and your family!
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