Friday, September 14, 2007

A Little Bulge!

Okay, I've noticed it for a couple of days, but this morning even more so. Now, I must say that I did have some tummy weight, which is why it is bulging out a bit more than if I hadn't gained that almost 10 lb. back! I'm watching what I am eating - how much, making sure to get enough exercise (running around the house - I will pick back up my walking today), and drinking plenty of water.

I have a little bulge in the belly! I can't remember when I started showing with my others - how sad is that?! I do know that with my oldest, I was about 4 months before you could really start to see a belly, and then it just looked like a little pudge (as I was skinny minny then!).

They say that the after birth contractions get harder with every child, and I would have to wholeheartedly agree with that! And it's because your uterus is stretching more each time. So, then it wouldn't seem highly unlikely that I would be showing a little at this point - although no one could probably tell the difference, but me. But my tummy is getting harder!

This is my 6th pregnancy, but 5th to carry this far. I'm going to have 5 children! Wow!!! I can hardly believe it. Isn't God good?

Life does get overwhelming at times. The house becomes a wreck, and making meals becomes tiresome. As does cleaning poop out of the bathtub, changing diapers, washing clothes, and all that stuff. But, when I truly think about it, really deep thinking now, I realize how blessed I am! I mean REALLY blessed! My children are loving to me (and sometimes to each other - just kidding, sort of!), they say sweet things, and they thank me for the meals that I make.

I realize that I am in a thankless profession, but my husband does such a wonderful job of thanking me, even when I don't feel like I deserve it. This isn't a job where you go work for someone else all day, get a pat on the back along with a paycheck, and leave at 5. This is the hardest work I've ever done in my life, because it is 24/7. But, I know that God has prepared me for it. He never leaves me!

He is there in the bathroom when I'm sitting on the side of the tub waiting for the 3.5 year old to poop. And he's there when that little boy says "Mama, I poop!" in his excited little voice and waits for a round of applause.

He's there when I am changing that diaper, as messy as it was, while my 18 month old laughs at the funny faces Mama makes and tries to HELP!

He's there when my big boy comes up to me and tells me that he loves me, when we are walking together at the Heritage Village where he volunteers. He tells me all about the history of the building and I am so proud of the boy (ahem, excuse me, young man) he has become.

He's there when my little girl makes me a treat that she has made in the kitchen. She thanks for me for teaching her how to cook and bake and gives me a kiss to go along with it.

And I think about all that I would have missed out on if I wouldn't have been there to do these things with them. Or all I would have missed out on if I never had them at all.

And so, even though the little bulge in my tummy is half from the extra weight, I thank God for being there and giving us the little signs of His love for us. And who would have ever thought I would have been thankful for a bulging tummy?! :) And I thank God for the changes He has made in me!

Joyfully busy at home,

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